- Hello!
- Good game!
- You are very fast!
- Wait for me!
- Nice!
- Thank you!
- Good luck!

Hurry, your opponent is winning You are stuck
Click Magic to continue playing Use a Magic wand now Select any of the face-down cards below
Your opponent has 60 Seconds to catch up.
Finish the game before your opponent! You are playing the same game at the same time!


FREE Magic Claim it now
All cards sent to foundation!
Send all cards to foundation to earn stars
0 |
Points: (?) |
0 |
0 |
Bonus: (?) |
0 |
0 |
Last King: (?) |
0 |
Oh no, you lost this round!
Click Play to rematch your opponent and try again!
Rematch Play costs 1 xRematch
or give up
Back to tournament in...
before starting a new match
Play now for 1 Magic
Click the like button below and get discounts and gifts!
Press the F11 key located at the top right of your keyboard to enter
full screen mode.
Press "Shift + Command + F" on your keyboard to enter
full screen mode.
Session Ended
Looks like you have been inactive for a while, push the button to continue.
Looks like you have opened Solitaire Tournaments in a different window.
Looks like we cannot reach your computer as well as we wished. Please check your internet connection.
We have updated the game, push the button to continue.
Please allow third party cookies or use a different browser to access Solitaire Tournaments.
Congratulations! You have unlocked the decks! You can now personalise the way that your cards look, try it out.
For each new friend you bring in Solitaire Tournaments, you get one FREE MAGIC.
You didn't send all cards
Use a Magic to unlock a card.
It's a draw
Use 1 Magic.
You will lose the game
You can still win the game if you use a Magic.
You will lose the game
You can still win the game if you use a Magic.
Magic Wands
0You only have 0 magic left.
You don't want to take advantage of the offer?
I want to miss outYou don't want to take advantage of the offer?
I want to miss outGet Magic
Allows using face-down cards
Time left
In a tournament you compete with 7 other players to see who's best at Solitaire.
In a tournament you compete with 15 other players to see who's best at Solitaire.
Please watch the entire video.
Don't skip or close the window
Game will start in
In a tournament you compete with 7 other players to see who's best at Solitaire.
Get startedPrevious city was
Next city is
0 + 1 0
Tournament wins
National Challenge 3.000.000
You won the tournament!
You won the Tournament!
Keep playing!
Next city is !
You played !
You collected all the Magic Cards!
Click here to collect your prize!

Waiting for others
Who will continue in the next round?

Back to tournament in...
before starting a new knockout tournament
Play now for x1 Magic

New location coming soon!
New location available!
New location available!
Unlock with x
to play now!
Congratulations Brave Explorer!
You traveled the world and witnessed its wonders.
We are preparing more Exciting Places for you to visit.
In the meantime, you can revisit some of the past cities and try to gather more Stars!
Use the 'Magic' button every time you are stuck and there are no more valid moves. A face-down card is unlocked magically and ready to be used.
PlayUse the 'Undo' button every time you want to reverse a previous action. You will never worry about a mistake again.
PlayClick the 'Hint' button every time you are stuck, a glow will show you what you should do next. When a hint is available the light bulb lights up. Try it now!
OkUse the 'Auto end' button to send cards automatically to foundation. This function can be deactivated at any time.
You are stuck, you don't have anymore valid moves.
Use a Magic to continue playing
Click here for more cards
Build stacks from each suit from Ace to King
Send the cards to foundations to score points
You can send the five of diamonds (red) over the six of spades (black).
Cards can be moved between columns in descending order, from King to Ace, alternating red and black.
Solitaire with a twist
Play a match against another player, in real time.
You and your opponent have the same shuffle (same cards, same order).
Play a match against another player, in real time. You and your opponent have the same shuffle (same cards, same order). Move cards by clicking on them, and get extra points by being quicker than your opponent!
Basic rules of Solitare still apply
Move cards to your top foundations, starting with Aces. To unlock other cards, move existing cards in descending order, alternating colors.
You will see your opponent's foundation in real time.
Move cards to your foundations to score one point. You will score an EXTRA POINT if you send the same card BEFORE your opponent.
Terms of Service
These Terms of Service are effective as of 01.07.2015.
Welcome to MavenHut's Terms of Service! These terms of service, ("Terms of Use", "Terms", "Agreement", "ToS"), constitute a legal agreement between you (the "user" or "you") and MavenHut ("MavenHut", "we", "our"), a developer and publisher of software services ("Services") as set below.
We are an Irish company called Mavenhut Limited and we are registered in Ireland, Dublin, with registered number 511811 (referred to in this policy as "MavenHut" or "we", "us" and "our"). You can find the detailed HQ on our website www.mavenhut.com.
We provide various services (collectively referred to as "Services") which consist of, but are not limited to, the following: any content, product or software that you have downloaded or are about to download, any content, product or software that you have embedded on a website or are about to embed, any applications created and available through different platforms and social networking sites ("SNS Apps"), any software running on MavenHut's servers, content, related documentation, information on the MavenHut domain, and information made available by users to each other through our software.
These terms are made available via the app store or platform that you download our Services from, on any website or platform where you can use our Services, such as Social Networking sites and on our website at www.mavenhut.com.
We provide the Services online and offline. You provide the equipment (computer, phone, tablet, etc.) and pay any fees to connect to the Internet and app stores, or for data or cellular usage to download and use the Services. You may also need an account with a social network, and, if you are using our mobile Services, an account with the company that provides your mobile applications.
1. General
Please read these Terms, together with all the documents referred to in it, carefully and before you start to use our Services. By accessing or using our Services you warrant that you have read, fully understand and agreed to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree, nor accept to abide to this Terms, please refrain from accessing and using our Services.
MavenHut reserves the right at its full discretion to modify the Terms in any way and at any time. Such modifications enter into force when published on this page. We will indicate the date of last revision at the top of this page. Your continued use after such modification is valid as consent thereto. You agree that you will check our Services' platforms regularly to verify whether the Terms of Use have been modified.
1.1 Children Under The Age Of 13
MavenHut does not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 13 or knowingly allow such persons to register. If you are under 13, please do not attempt to register for our Services or send any information about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number, or email address. No one under age 13 may provide any personal information to or on our Services. In the event that we learn that we have collected personal information from or have registered a child under age 13 we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any information from or about a child under 13, please contact us.
1.2 Children Between The Ages of 13 and 18
We recommend that minors over the age of 13 ask their parents for permission before sending any information about themselves to anyone over the Internet or register to our Services.
You represent and warrant that you are 13 years old or older. Additionally, if you are between the ages of 13 and 18, you represent and warrant that your parent or legal guardian has reviewed and agrees to the Terms.
At all times, the English version of the Terms will be the prevailing one and the version valid as Agreement between the parties. By accessing and using our Services, you warrant that you command the English language sufficiently to have understood these Terms in the English version. Any translation of these Terms from English into another language is made just for convenience purposes and the translation will not be valid as an agreement.
2. Account security
As already stated, we provide our Services, online and offline.
For some Services you may need an account with a social networking site, if you are using our mobile Services and an account with the company that provides your mobile applications. Please read the Terms of Use and Privecy Policy of the social networking site/platforms/applications that you use to see the Security Rules of your SNS accounts.
For some Services you may need an user account on a MavenHut platform. When creating/using user account, you must provide accurate and complete information. You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your account.
You must notify MavenHut or the provider of your SNS account immediately and accordingly of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your accounts. Although MaveHut will not be liable for your losses caused by any unauthorized use of your account, you may be liable for the losses of MavenHut or others due to such unauthorized use. You may not use an email address owned or controlled by another person. You agree to provide us with all future changes of your registration data, especially a change in the email address, without delay. You shall be fully responsible for all activities that occur under your email address and password. You are obliged to confirm upon request the accuracy of your personal data.
You are obliged to keep log-in data and all identification and passwords strictly confidential. You are obliged to protect all log-in data, identifications and passwords from unauthorized access of third parties. The password should not be identical with the user name and it should consist of a combination of numbers and letters.
In these terms, references to "log-in details" or "account" include your log-in details and account for any social network or platform that you may allow our Services to interact with.
In the event that you have reason to believe that third parties have obtained this information, or could have, you shall inform us immediately and change the data. In this case MavenHut has the right to block the access temporarily. You shall be permitted the use again as soon as the suspicion of misuse of data has been removed and you agree to fully compensate us for any losses or harm that may result. You are under no circumstances entitled to use the log-in data of another user.
3. Ownership and Intellectual Property
All right, title and interest in and to the Services and all content available on the various platforms used by MavenHut, including data, designs, text, graphics, pictures, applications, software, music, video, information, tags, sound and other files, and other materials contained therein, including without limitation all copyright, trademark, patent and other intellectual property rights therein, shall be and remain solely the property of MavenHut or its licensors.
You agree not to copy, redistribute, publish or otherwise exploit material from the Services, except as expressly permitted herein. Subject to these Terms you are granted a personal, limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to enter, use, perform and display the Services for private use, and for no other purpose. The license does not allow you to in any way use trademarks and/or copyrighted material appearing on the Services. The license is revocable at any time without notice and without cause. You do not acquire any ownership rights by using the Services, downloading material from or uploading material to the Services, or by purchasing any Virtual Goods. You are under no circumstances allowed to in any way make profit from the Services.
All comments, feedback, suggestions, ideas, and other submissions ("Ideas") disclosed, submitted, or offered to us in connection with the use of the Services shall be the exclusive property of MavenHut. We may use, sell, exploit and disclose the Ideas in any manner, without restriction and without compensation to You.
Regardless of what anything else says in these Terms or any other Feature Terms that apply to features you may choose to use, you do not own in-game currency or items or other similar stuff, regardless of whether you "earned" those items in a game or "purchased" them.
4. Usage Rules
You agree that you shall not (and you agree not to allow any third party to):
- collect any information about other users (including user identification names and/or email addresses) for any
purpose regarding our Services;
- copy or adapt the Services' software including but not limited to Flash, PHP, HTML, JavaScript or other code;
- create user accounts by automated means or under false or fraudulent pretences;
- disguise, anonymise or hide your IP address or the source of any Content that you may upload;
- create or transmit unwanted electronic communication such as "spam", excessive use of capital letters, or make
excessive challenges or invitations;
- upload, disseminate or transmit viruses, worms, Trojan horses, RATs, keyboard loggers, time bombs, spyware,
adware, cancelbots or any other malicious or invasive code or program;
- attempt to decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or hack any of our Services, or to defeat or overcome any of
our encryption technologies or security measures or data transmitted, processed or stored by us;
- copy or store any Content offered by our Services for other than your own use;
- take any action that imposes, or may impose at our sole discretion, an unreasonable or disproportionately large
load on our IT infrastructure;
- use our Services, intentionally or unintentionally, to violate any applicable law;
- sell the Services or any part thereof including but not limited to Virtual Goods or Virtual Currency, user or SNS
accounts, and access to them in exchange for real currency or items of monetary value;
- engage in any commercial activities, including, without limitation, any attempt to raise money for anyone or
advertise or promote a product;
- engage in or promote any surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, chain letters, unsolicited emailing or spamming via
our Services;
- use our Services for advertising, marketing, charitable, campaigning, for public relations or political purposes
of any kind;
- provide false, incorrect or misleading information;
- attempt to impersonate any other party;
- use SNS accounts of others;
- use scripts and completely or partially automated programs that provide the user with an advantage over other
users. This includes auto-refresh-functions and other integrated mechanisms of the Internet browser, if it
includes automated operations;
- reverse engineer, decompose, reverse assemble, modify or attempt to discover any software (source code) that the
Services create to generate web pages;
- create or use cheats, mods and/or hacks, and any other third party software products that may change the result of
our Services;
- use software, that allows "data mining" or otherwise intercepts or collects information in connection with our
- use outside of Services, buy for "real" money or sell or swap virtual objects that are used in the Services;
- use any automated method for creation of accounts, regardless of whether the home page is displayed or not;
- make improper use of the support services or submit false reports of abuse or misconduct;
- use our Services in violation of any applicable law or regulation;
- make sure to read any additional important terms specific to our Services when accessing each and every
software included in our Services. If you access the Service from a social network or download the Service from
another platform, you must also comply with its terms of service/use as well as these Terms; or
- use our Services in any other way not permitted by these terms.
You agree that your use of and conduct on the Services shall be lawful and your User Content will not:
- include any offensive comments that are connected to race, national origin, religion, gender, sexual preference
or physical handicap;
- violate confidentiality or any other rights; infringe on a third party's copyright, trademark, trade secret,
patent or any other right or publishing right;
- include profanity or any obscene, indecent, pornographic, sexual or otherwise objectionable content or language;
- use threatening, abusive, disparaging or otherwise objectionable content;
- defame, libel, ridicule, mock, disparage, threaten, harass, intimidate or abuse anyone; or
- promote violence or describe how to perform a violent act.
Violations could lead to access blockage and deletion from the Service and the membership at any time and at our sole discretion.
You agree that you shall bear the full responsibility for your communication with other users of our Services. MavenHut does not control or endorse the content, messages or information found in the content of our Services and takes no responsibility for it.
MavenHut reserves the right to, at its own discretion and without explanation necessary, block the access, modify or delete an account for any reason it deems necessary and without refund for any purchase made by the user, with or without notice you. MavenHut is not limited to the situation where a violation of these Terms has occurred in order to block the access or delete an account.
You understand that if you delete your account, or if we delete your account in accordance with these terms, you may lose access to any data previously associated with your account (including, without limitation, the level or score you have reached in our Services and any Virtual Goods associated with your account).
If you are concerned that someone else is not complying with any part of these terms, please contact us.
5. Payments
Some parts of the Services are available without cost. The Service that is not free can only be used against full payment in advance. You will be charged for the Service in accordance with what is set out on the website, stores, SNS accounts or any other way of displaying and using of our Services.
If the necessary payment cannot be collected you will not access such parts of the Service that require pre-payment.
You agree to pay all fees and applicable taxes incurred by you or anyone using an Account registered to you. MavenHut may revise the pricing for the Services.
Due to technical possibilities and market conditions in your country, the available payment methods may vary.
You can pay for our Services using the payment processors of our payment partners and their credits or currencies may also be subject to those parties' policies. You can not make the payments directly to MavenHut. Please carefully read the privacy policy and terms of services of those partners before making a payment. We underline that MavenHut can not be resposible for the activity of those partners and the payment that you make using their platform.
6. Privacy
You understand and agree that MavenHut may collect personally identifiable information in connection with our Services. Please review our Privacy Policy here to learn how MavenHut uses personal information. You agree that we may communicate with you regarding our Services by SMS, text message or other electronic means to your mobile device or your personal computer. If you do not agree to each and every part of Privacy Policy, then you should not use our Services or submit any personally identifiable information to us.
We may use cookies, advertising identifiers or similar technologies to store certain types of information each time you use our Services. They may for example be used to help us recognise your computer and to ensure that your account is accessed by the person that inputs the correct username and password for that account. You can find out more about how we use cookies and other similar technologies by reading our Privacy Policy.
7. Transfer of Information and third party advertising
If there is a sale of the assets of MavenHut or corporate restructuring, or as a result of a change of control of MavenHut, in case of a transfer of ownership of any of our Services or in preparation of any of these events, we reserve the right to transfer all or a part of our rights or responsibilities under these terms to someone else, without being obliged to have your consent. You agree that we may do so provided that the transfer does not significantly disadvantage you. You may not transfer any of the rights we give you under these terms unless we first agree to this in writing.
Our Service and our games may feature advertisements from Us or other companies. Our Privacy Policy explains what information We share with advertisers. Please read it.
8. Limitation of liability
No oral or written advice or statement given or made by MavenHut, or its dealers, agents, partners, distributors or employees shall create any warranty or in any way increase the scope of the foregoing warranty.
If any part of these terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable under any applicable local laws or by an applicable court, that part shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with applicable law to reflect as nearly as possible our original intentions and the remainder of these terms shall remain valid and enforceable. If it is not possible to interpret an invalid or unenforceable part of these terms in a manner consistent with applicable law, then that part shall be deemed deleted from these terms without affecting the remaining provisions of these terms.
9. Jurisdiction and Contact
This Privacy Statement is governed by the laws of Ireland and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.
Again, feel free to contact us, any time, if you have further questions about our Services, Terms of Service or Privacy Policy, by using the email address founders@mavenhut.com.
Privacy Policy
This privacy policy is effective as of 01.07.2015.
Welcome to MavenHut's privacy policy! We are an Irish company called Mavenhut Limited and we are registered in Ireland, Dublin, with registered number 511811 (referred to in this policy as "MavenHut" or "we", "us" and "our"), being your data controller. You can find the detailed HQ on our website www.mavenhut.com.
We provide various services (collectively referred to as "Services") which consist of, but are not limited to, the following: any content, product or software that you have downloaded or are about to download, any content, product or software that you have embedded on a website or are about to embed, any applications created and available through different platforms and social networking sites ("SNS Apps"), any software running on MavenHut's servers, content, related documentation, information on the MavenHut domain, and information made available by users to each other through our software.
This policy is made available via the app store or platform that you download our Services from for any website or platform where you can use our Services and on our website at www.mavenhut.com.
We provide the Services, online and offline. You provide the equipment (computer, phone, tablet, etc.) and pay any fees to connect to the Internet and app stores, or for data or cellular usage to download and use the Services. You may also need an account with a social network, if you are using our mobile Services, an account with the company that provides your mobile applications.
This policy describes how we collect, use, process and share information that MavenHut, through our "Services", collects about you. This policy applies to:
- any software provided/used/shared by Mavenhut or its advertising partners, such as games, applications, cookies, ad
identifiers or similar technologies;
- all of our games, whether played online or offline, on mobile devices, PC or on other platforms such as social
networking sites ("SNS Apps");
- our advertising activities on all platforms as described below;
- other services that we may provide to you from time to time;
- our website www.mavenhut.com and social networking accounts;
- websites and social networking accounts for each and every Service we provide, as stated above.
By downloading, accessing and/or playing our games or interacting with our websites or other Services, you agree to the use of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you have any concerns about providing information to us or it being used as described in this privacy policy, you should not use our games or other Services.
As set out in the Terms of Service ("ToS") relating to our Services, you must be at least 13 years old to access and/or use our Services. We do not knowingly collect personal data about children under the age of 13.
At all times, the English version of the Privacy and Security Policy will be the prevailing one and the version valid as Agreement between the parties. By accessing and using the Website, you warrant that you command the English language sufficiently to have understood these Privacy and Security Policy in English version. Any translation of these Privacy and Security Policy from English into another language is made just for convenience purposes and the translation will not be valid as an agreement.
By using the Service, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy, as such policy may be amended from time to time. We may update the Privacy Policy and you should visit this page periodically to review any changes to the Privacy Policy.
Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Here at MavenHut we care about your privacy and we respect your privacy rights.
Please also read Terms of Service for our Services available here to learn about and understand the rules of using MavenHut Services.
What and How We Collect
We may collect and process the following data about you:
- if you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence, fill in form, answer questions, messages sent using
our chat and messaging systems, your interactions with us on our social media channels;
- information that you submit when you register for downloading, accessing, playing and/or checking our Services
including your name, date of birth and e-mail address;
- information that you submit in response to a news post or discussion thread, shouts, private messages, chat rooms or
through any other in-game communication channels;
- the functionality that you use through the Service, including your gameplay choices;
- details of transactions you carry out through our Services;
- details of your visits and interactions to our website, games, applications or any other Services provided by
Mavenhut including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, weblogs, resources that you access and other
communication data, whether this is required for our own billing purposes or otherwise.
- information we collect via cookies and other similar technologies, as explained further below.
In each case, we will collect and record the information you have provided. Other than names and email addresses provided at your discretion, we don't generally collect any "Personally Identifying Information" about our users. We may offer you the opportunity to submit other information about yourself (such as gender, age, occupation, hobbies, interests, zip code, your profile picture or its URL, your user ID number etc.), or we may be able to collect that information from social networking systems and/or SNS Apps (in accordance with the terms of use of those systems), on which you have used our Services which would then also be covered by this Privacy Policy.
This information may also be provided or can be also used to create your personal profile in connection to our Services. You can choose to log into your profile using your Social Networking Site account details. If you do this, for example, you may be able to log in on multiple devices and synchronize progress across those devices. We will receive some of your Social Networking Site account information; exactly what information we receive will depend on your settings in your SNS account. We may use this information for the purposes described in this privacy policy, including in order to advertise to you. Once connected in this way, you will also be able to see which of your friends are using our Services and may also allow you to access other functionality in our games and other services, such as inviting friends to play, asking other players for lives and 1 to 1 messaging. Logging in with your SNS account will not allow us to post anything to your SNS page without your permission.
You can make changes to what data a third party social network or platform shares with us, or stop our Services interacting with that social network or platform by adjusting your settings with that third party provider. However you may find you are not able to enjoy all of the same features of our Services.
In addition to information about yourself, you may choose to share information about yourself in other content, such as in games. Any action you perform with other players are considered public, and at your own discretion.
When you use a SNS App on your social network page or use a SNS App on someone else's page, we may record information regarding the use of that SNS App, and we may collect other information that is visible on your social network page in accordance with the relevant terms of use associated with that page.
Note that since some of our Services are served through SNS Apps, it is your responsibility to read and accept their Terms of Use, as well as Privacy Policy prior to continuing with MavenHut Services.
We may use information about you that we collect from other sources, including but not limited to newspapers and Internet sources such as blogs, instant messaging services, games and other users of our Services, to supplement your profile.
We underline and you should also be aware that most content delivered through our Services originates with another content provider that we use for our Services. Such other content providers may place on your computer and/or mobile devices, on your web and mobile browser and in app stores or otherwise, technologies like "cookies", "ad identifers" and other, in order to gather information about you, for advertising purposes and more.
Finally, in order to provide the best possible service and to allow us to make certain internal reports and make recommendations, we collect aggregate information about the use of the Services, such as internet protocol addresses, browser type, browser language, referring / exit pages and URLs, other browser history, platform type, number of clicks, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed and the order of those pages, the amount of time spent on particular pages, and the date and time ("Activity Information").
How We Use Your Information
We do not sell or rent your "Personally Identifiable Information" to any third party. We may, however, use certain information about you that is not personally identifiable.
We use public information collected to determine the kinds of content that you would like to view and to assist any advertisers in targeting their advertising.
We use information held about you in the following ways:
- to ensure that content from our Services is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer or
mobile devices;
- to provide you with information, products or services that you request from us or which we feel may interest you,
where you have consented to be contacted for such purposes including by interacting with advertising functionality
in our Services;
- to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us;
- to deliver and maintain a high quality service;
- to allow you to access Mavenhut Services and to participate in interactive features of our Services, when you choose
to do so;
- to notify you about changes to our Services, new features or new versions of the Services;
- for the purposes of compiling statistics;
- to determine whether you are in compliance with the Terms of Service ("ToS") of MavenHut software, games,
applications or any other Services and to impose sanctions where necessary;
- for advertising activity;
- to instruct payments regarding our Services to our external partners that deal with those aspects of our business.
You understand and agree that we may access, preserve and disclose any information we may have about you and the contents of your account if required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that such access, preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to avoid liability, to comply with legal process, such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order, or to protect our rights and property, or that of our affiliates or the public. MavenHut is not required to question or contest the validity of any search warrant, subpoena or other similar governmental request that MavenHut receives.
We also use non-Personally Identifiable Information and certain technical information about your computer and mobile devices and your access of the Services (including your internet protocol address) in order to operate, maintain and manage the Services.
MavenHut may disclose information about you to its partners in order to provide the Services, resolve service problems and correct errors in the Services, to communicate with you about the Services, to provide you with advertising and promotional information in connection with the Services, and to enhance your experience on the Services. However, we do not give our partners an independent right to share this information.
MavenHut, certain of its partners, and each of their contractors and employees, may view the information that you transmit to the service or that it is collected by us to provide the Services and otherwise perform the tasks set forth in this Privacy Policy.
Controlling Your Personal Information
Be advised that if you send messages or post material containing personal information, that information may be collected and used by others, too.
You can terminate your account at any time, which will remove your profile and other personal information from view. MavenHut, however, may (but is not obligated to) keep information about you that is on our Services system or/and servers, following your termination, for as long as we consider necessary for the purposes described above, or as long as the law allows.
Please contact MavenHut to terminate your account or for any other questions about your personal information.
Transfer of Information
If there is a sale of the assets of MavenHut or corporate restructuring, or as a result of a change of control of MavenHut, in case of a transfer of ownership of any of our Services or in preparation of any of these events, we reserve the right to transfer your personal information, without being obliged to have your consent. You agree that we may do so provided that the transfer does not significantly disadvantage you. Any third party to which MavenHut transfers or sells its assets will have the right to continue to use the personal and other information that you provide to us in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy.
Others' Information
You may decide to provide us with another person's email address so that person may be invited to join our Services or so that we may facilitate your communication with other people through the Services (such as when you upload an address book).
You may also provide us with another person's contact information for purposes of delivering information through SNS Apps. We use this information to contact and, if necessary, remind that person that he or she has been invited to join our Services or received content through an SNS App. All invitees are provided with the option not to receive further invitations from us. We may disclose such information if required to do so in order to comply with legal process, as described above.
Cookies, Ad Identifiers and similar technologies
The Services may send or use "cookies", "ad identifiers" or similar (tracking) technologies to your computer or mobile devices when you access our Services, view content through a MavenHut game or application or use an SNS App.
We and third parties who advertise on our Services use these technologies to improve the quality of Services, make recommendations, make the Services easier to use for our users and for advertising activities, allow our payment partners to process your payment instructions.
A cookie is a small text file recorded on your computer or mobile device that identifies you as a unique user and contains certain small information about your particular login session and/or your use of the Services. Generally speaking, cookies do not contain personal information from which you can be identified, unless you have furnished such information to the web site.
Advertising (or ad) identifiers are non-permanent, non-personal device identifiers for different platforms and Social Networking Sites.
These technologies allow the collection of technical data, such as IP adress, your device's model, operating system and screen size, the other applications installed on your device, domain names, information about how you use our Services a.s.o.
If you use our Services on your mobile device, in addition to your device identifiers, we may also collect the information you provide for: the name you have associated with your device, your telephone number, your country, and your specific geolocation etc.
You can choose to adjust your preferences on the matter, by preventing your device's ad identifier being used for interest based advertising, or reseting your device's ad identifier through the settings of your device. Settings vary from device to device but you will usually find the ad identifier settings under "privacy" or "ads" in your device's settings. You can also disable cookies through your web or phone browser settings.
If you choose to adjust your preferences in order to prevent these technologies, you may find that you cannot enjoy the full use of our Services - for which we can not be held responsible and it does not mean you will no longer receive advertising, it only means the advertising you do see will be less relevant to your interests.
Use of Information
Our Services may contain links to other web sites and content of MavenHut games, SNS Apps or other Services may be hosted by other web sites. In addition, as described above, most content offered through our games, SNS Apps or other Services is served or hosted by other sites. These other sites maintain their own policies regarding cookies and the collection and use of personal information and any data which you provide afterwards is subject to that third party's privacy policy and not to ours. It is up to you to review those privarecy policies yourself.
Third-Party Advertising Companies
We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads for our Services, on any platform that we use. Our system and the third-party advertising technology uses information derived from Activity Information set above, cookies and ad identifiers, your visits to our Services, from our software, games applications that you view and the SNS Apps you use, to target advertising within our site, games or SNS Apps or others. In addition, our advertisers may use other third-party advertising technology to target advertising on our site and other sites. In the course of advertisements being served to you, a unique third-party cookie or cookies, ad identifiers or similar technologies may be placed on your computer or mobile device. Similarly, third-party advertising companies may provide us with pixel tags (also called "clear gifs" or "beacons") to help manage and optimize our advertising. Beacons enable us to recognize a browser's cookie when a browser visits the site on which the beacon is located, and to learn which banner ads bring users to a given site.
Our Services does not provide any Personally Identifiable Information to third-party advertising companies. Note, however, that if an advertiser asks us to show an advertisement to users with certain characteristics (for example, women ages 18-24) or a segment of that group (for example, women ages 18-24 who have viewed certain categories of content) and you respond to that advertisement, the third-party advertising company may conclude that you have the characteristics of the audience that they are trying to reach.
Your rights in relation to your information
You have certain rights in relation to the personal information that we collect about you.
Those rights include the right to know what information we hold about you, to correct personal information, to ask us to delete some information, to deactivate accounts on our Services, in which cases, we please ask you to contact us and tell us your request. We reserve the right to ask for reasonable evidence to verify your identity, to charge a fee for exercising this right of access or to impose other legal limits.
There are also other ways, depending on you, in which you can control the personal information that we collect about you. For instance, you could disconnect your social network accounts from our Services, or delete our Services from your computer or mobile devices. You could also reset your mobile advertising identifier or limit ad tracking altogether using the settings in your phone. Finally, you could limit or prevent the use of cookies in your web browsers.
Please note that the nature of the Internet is such that we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us via the Internet. No data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. However, we will take all reasonable steps (including appropriate technical and organisational measures) to protect your personal data.
Jurisdiction and Contact
This Privacy Statement is governed by the laws of Ireland and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.
Again, feel free to contact us, any time, if you have further questions about our Services, Privacy Policy or Terms of Service by using e-mail founders@mavenhut.com.
We are officially launching the game tomorrow, come back and get a magical bundle!
Foundation and win Tournaments to revive your Garden.
Amazing work, Sue! Look how wondrous the Garden looks like and you’re the one responsible. Claim your reward:
10 Tournaments
Waiting Time
Stay tuned for more events in Solitaire Tournaments.
extra reward!
10 Tournaments
Waiting Time
Choose Aphrodite if you value love and beauty above all else and if you think the world could be a better place by being more caring and loving.
Choose Athena if you value intelligence above all else and if you believe that everything is possible if you’re brave and listen to the voice of reason.
Well-done, Sue!
Stay tuned for more events.
Until then, keep having fun in
Solitaire Tournaments!
Congratulations, Sue! Your favorite Goddess won!
She has a gift for you.
Claim it now:
10 Tournaments
Waiting Time
She values love and beauty above all else and she thinks the world could be a better place by being more caring.
She values intelligence above all else and believes that everything is possible if you’re brave and listen to the voice of reason.